Our 7-Step Process
Our 7-Point Value Implementation Process
1. Investigate
2. Discuss
3. Troubleshoot
4. Propose Solutions
5. Implement
6. Educate & Train
We spend whatever time is necessary educating and training those responsible for maintaining and operating a piece of equipment in the plant, side-by-side thoroughly explaining all the information and steps your employees need in order to do their job properly.
7. Communicate
Our First Meeting
What to Expect
At our first meeting, we will have the opportunity to “get to know one another.” We listen to your needs, wants and expectations and want you to feel comfortable asking us questions as well.
It’s a good idea to have all the decision-makers present at the first meeting. Typically, everyone has some sort of input or information to add about the project.
Through conversation, observation and research, we will provide qualitative and quantitative solutions that improve control and reliability of your system and equipment.
The following are some of the items we would like to discuss with you at the first meeting:
- What do you like and dislike about your present system and/or equipment?
- Is your current system operating at its peak performance? Why or why not?
- When you have performance issue, do you know what equipment is holding you back?
- What is the project you are considering?
- Why are you considering this project now? What are the desired outcomes of the project?
- What is your budget?
- What is important to you in a partner? Experience? Flexibility? Dependability? Creativity? Systematic process?

Complimentary Evaluation
See what the Axis Approach can do for your facility.
Delivering Manufacturing Peace of Mind ™
Axis Engineering Group, LLC
708 W Boundary St Perrysburg, OH 43551
419.872.2500 | sales@axisautomationgroup.com